I follow the #NEME process, Notice, Engage, Mull and Exchange, with my 3D collaborative thinking application @Thortspace. Let me walk you through a typical Before During and After the meeting journey.


Before the meeting – Start a new Sphere or Add a Group to an existing Sphere. Record some details: purpose, date & time and the who will be present. @Notice & @Engage

During the meeting I capture key words phrases, golden nuggets. @Mull. This phase is always using an iPhone with the IOS @Thortpace. Handheld, often using speech for text entry, it is information at hand in the palm of the hand.

A view of my ‘Weekly Musings’ Sphere:

After the meeting review the Sphere: Re-group, link with Path’ and create Images. These may be word clouds and hand-drawn sketches @Mull

Publish the Audio Visual and add the GIFs @Exchange

The Castle

Unit 345
2500 Castle Dr
Manhattan, NY


T: +216 (0)40 3629 4753
E: hello@themenectar.com