Why Are We Here?
Who We Are
We are a group of like-minded people, dedicated to the improvement of our world. We achieve our goals by running projects that speak to people and help them to understand how important it is to be sustainable. Our projects are based around our three main goals of learning educating and enabling. Universalrisk itself is the brainchild of Edward Hoare; founder..
Why Universal Risk?
We all take chances/risks. We take them every minute of every day – in some form or other. The consequences of the risks we take can be personal, domestic, local, regional, national, international, global, universal.
Hence The Name – Universalrisk
About those behind Universal Risk
Living in Brazil from 1968 to 1971, helping set up an environmental charity International Trust for Nature Conservation in the late 70s. Interested in philanthropy, charity governance and accountability, raising standards, social entrepreneurship, changing the world. Amateur ornithologist and wildlife gardener. Countryside pursuits.
Edward HoareFounder
I combine Thortspace collaborative thinking & simple hand drawn images, ‘Doodles',
Colin HornerDigital Doodler
a technique known as Sketchnoting
to ideate clear and concise storyboards
that deliver impactful visual explanations
unlocking opportunities for business growth
We Gamestorm HowTo engage your clients
Our Script; Your Voice; & My video
describes what you do for others
I am the Explainer Guy
What we are about
Our main vision is to create a long-term and sustainable basis for the benefit of future generations. We work to install the importance of being sustainable into the younger generations, so that they may understand their impact on the planet and help to reduce the risk of resource problems.