A weekly Journal of learning experiences in Networking. Recorded in Words, Images and ThortVlogs
A weekly presentation pitch #BNI Online Chapter meeting – ‘Mapping’ out the script in words, adding the #PhoneSketches, for the Thortvlog recording, and using Thortspace as my ‘teleprompter’

Developing and delivering a Weekly Presentation for BNI Network Partner Peter Thompson BlueWing Local
Visualising the Value Proposition Canvas in a #PhoneSketch, and working backwards from identified customer needs “Taglines”:

From this picture the script can be ideated and created in Thortspace:

The Value Proposition Canvas Visualising the value proposition canvas see Strategyzer.com, as a process for developing the ‘Elevator Pitch’. To educate Network Partners we visualise the relationships between a Value Map of our products and services, and our Customer Profiles. Breaking each into LCD’s, lowest common denominators: Here is one example of a Thortspace ‘Constellation’:
You can read more about using LCD’s business presentations, at BNI Podcast 471 @ivanMisner BNIPodcast471
Flip through Motivational Quotations provided by #BNI Network Partner Manus du Toit